Amol Cement Product ( ACP Group ) has a Manufacturing History of more than 12 years in diversified sectors like RCC Pipe, Pre- Stressed precast PSC pole and other cement concrete product.
ACP Group’s Concrete Products Division is a sophisticated, diversified manufacturer of Concrete Pipes and RCC/PSC Polesand a variety of Precast Products including Precast Manholes& Cover Slabs, Precast U Drains, Box Culverts, Fencing Poles, Pre-stressed Precast Compound Wall Systems, Precast Lintels, Air Valve Chambers and other allied products.
ACP Group’s Concrete Products Division has proudly participated in some of the largest public works, Under Ground Drainage, Sewer Lines, Highway Construction, Rural Electrification Schemes, APDRP Works, Telecom Projects and more Infrastructure Projects in India.
Our Product
We manufacture Concrete Pipes / Hume Pipes / RCC Pipes from 300mm dia to 1200mm dia as per IS-458. We manufacture Pipes in both Plain End with Collar Type and Socket & Spigot Type (S&S Pipes). We also manufacture Pressure Pipes.
The Pre-stressed Precast Fencing Poles are used for Fencing the properties, Perimeter Protection and also widely used in Solar/Electric Fencing Systems.
Culverts are devices used to allow flow of water beneath roads and access points were passage is necessary. We are providing Pipe, Pipe Arch, Box, Arch, Bridge & More types of Culverts with minimum cost.
Our Precast Concrete Cover Slabs come in different sizes, quality &
designs as per your needs. These Cover Slabs are manufactured by various size.
Our Kerb Stones come in variety of sizes & designs. We also
manufacture Kerb Stones with Saucer Drains together or separately.
Precast Concrete Manholes are used for
various purposes like Underground
Drainage, Telecom Utilities, Water Supply
Schemes and Others. Manholes are
manufactured in different size and can be
customised as per the requirements of
the Clients.